5 Crazy Theories About The Existence of Mankind |
5 Crazy Theories About The Existence of Mankind
We have all heard correctly about the theory of evolution in which humans evolved from apes, although this question has already been answered scientifically for centuries, there are still some strange assumptions that are almost urd. Funny, would you like to know some of them? Then we will show you five crazy ideas about the existence of mankind.
Ice people
Ice people If we tell you that people came from ice, would you believe us? Yes, it's very strange, but before we get to the healthy ideas of health, we noticed that a scientist Hans, an Austrian engineer, was responsible for saying that ice is a basic component of life, a universal substance that is part of all existence, so if you believe in the theory of evolution, you probably Should start thinking about it a little bit more.
Are you made of mucus?
If you think that nothing can happen. Stranger than the first theory, it will leave you a little shot in the past. Some classical scientists have come to the conclusion that substances were what keep the body functioning. Bile Black Bile and Blood As you may have heard, although this theory is invasive, it ensures that a person can get sick when he does not maintain a healthy natural balance of these four components.
Bucket Brain
Bucket Brain in 1981 a philosopher named Hilary Putman raised the possibility that human beings were only brains and buckets do you think it's absurd well as science has shown everything we feel and experience is nothing but a series of electrical impulses collected by our senses and interpreted by the brain in this way it's believed that a supercomputer could deceive people making them live in a virtual reality and without knowing everything they experienced is completely fake are we already in that fictional world we don't want to scare you but we should start having doubts about your existence.
Our alien parents.
If you are a religious person, you certainly claim that God created us in His image and likeness, He is our only Father and Creator, but then what would you think if we told you that this is not the case for Iraq. This religious belief was completely false. The Swiss author has argued for many years that human evolution has been manipulated by alien hands and that many of the achievements of ancient civilizations are due to the ancestral contact of these creatures with other planets. You think the man was crazy but in the process he got a lot of followers.
Do we come from eggs?
We come from eggs. We've already talked about ice ideas and we've talked about ice and alien ideas. What could be more ridiculous than that? The answer comes from a Chinese myth that everything was in chaos at the beginning of time and in that chaos it was like a chicken egg. Yes you can laugh but we are serious. He said that yin and yang in eggs There are two opposing forces that make up the universe. One day, inside the egg, the forces of war exploded it heavily. Most likely you won't see the egg the way you gave it to us.